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Who is behind Mailfence?

Mailfence is a service operated by ContactOffice Group sa.  We are not a traditional startup with a high burn rate.  Nor do we have third-party financial investors that want to make profit by forcing us to sell our company. We are in it for the long run. We are cautious, reliable, stable, and honest. We do serious things but with passion. We launched the company in 1999 and are among the pioneers of cloud software in Europe.

Our original business is licensing our email and collaboration application to companies and universities in Europe.  Today we focus on privacy and security.  All the work is done in-house. We do not outsource development work for ethical and security reasons.  That’s also why we manage our own hosting infrastructure ourselves and do not allow third-parties to access our servers.  The only exception to this rule is translations.  Unfortunately, we do not speak every language of the world ?.

We believe that we will lose our right to online privacy if we don’t fight for it. Therefore, we pledge to donate 15% of all income of the Ultra plan to foundations like the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the European Digital Rights Foundation that fight for the defense of our rights in the digital world. We love their work. On our transparency report, you will be able to follow each time we make a donation.

Mailfence is not just a service, but part of a worldwide movement to regain online privacy.  Join our fight. Encrypt everything!

We are available via our support, our blog, and social media to answer any concerns or queries that you may have.

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