How to revoke your OpenPGP key pair/Personal key?

1. Go to Settings -> Messages -> Encryption.

revoke your openpgp key pair or personal key

2. Click on your Personal key that you would like to revoke.

3. Click on Revoke.

revoke your openpgp key pair or personal key

4. Enter your OpenPGP key pair passphrase and click on Ok.

  • Read the warning message carefully before proceeding.

5. Click on Revoke.

After you’re done revoking your OpenPGP key pair, send an email to all of your contacts and let them know that you don’t use that key anymore and (if possible) provide them your new public key as well.
While you can still decrypt emails using an expired and/or revoked OpenPGP key pair, you cannot sign emails using your expired and/or revoked OpenPGP key pair.
Also sending an encrypted email using an expired and/or revoked public key is not allowed.

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