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  2. Mailfence and external clients
  3. How can I use my alias address for sending emails in a local email client?

How can I use my alias address for sending emails in a local email client?

An alias address (read more) is simply another email address pointing to your Mailfence account. If you would like to use it in a local email client, then you will have to configure your Mailfence account in that local email client using your primary Mailfence account address or username (not the alias address).

Then, you will have to declare/add your Mailfence alias address(es) in your local email client/program.

E.g., In Thunderbird, use ‘Identities’ (https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/configuring-email-aliases).

Feel free to refer to the documentation/support article of the email client that you prefer to use.

Note: All alias address(es) must be added/managed from your Mailfence web-interface first by following steps below. Never add an alias address using your local email client, as it will not be recognized as a valid sender address, and thus will be refused.

1. Settings

alias for sending emails: step 1

2. Messages -> Aliases

alias for sending emails: step 2

To protect our users from identity impersonation attacks, and our service from abuse, we have decided to forbid deletion of Mailfence domain name based alias addresses. You can read about it in our Release Notes of November. Alias addresses based on your own domain are not impacted.

We do support Plus Addressing, which allows you to create email addresses to track spammers.

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