If your account registration failed, following are some possible explanations:
- A potential abuse was detected. The anti-abuse/anti-spam system may have flagged your account creation attempt, e.g., due to using a banned/disposable email address as a reset/notification address.
- The registration is temporarily closed for your country or your IP address. Try again using a different ISP network or a VPN, or alternatively, you may consider retrying after a brief interval.
- Your device browser is outdated: try again with a more recent browser.
We deploy anti-abuse measures to avoid abuse by scammers/spammers. This can (potentially) also lead to false positives – if you think this to be the case, please contact support by email.
If it is about not receiving the account activation code to the reset/notification address, then please check this KB article.
For issues related to signing-in to an already activated Mailfence account, please check this KB article.